TYPO3 Højere uddannelses-pakke: Omfangsrige websites - Hurtigt, nemt og billigt

Higher education websites require sophisticated architecture that is capable of handling a diverse set of challenges on a daily basis. Some of these challenges include operational governance, serving a diverse set of content to visitors and at the same time acting as a "front of house" platform for prospective students and potential business partners.

TYPO3s Højere uddannelses-pakke er specielt designet til at imødekomme de krav, der stilles til institutioner inden for denne sektor. Pakken er baseret på Europas førende Enterprise content management system "TYPO3". Højere uddannelses-pakke indeholder skræddersyede funktioner, forudkonfigurerede indstillinger og en unik fem års garanti, der sikrer regelmæssige opdateringer, en service hotline og hjælp med at opretholde TYPO3's langsigtede udvikling.
Denne specialbyggede "all-in-one" -pakke giver en omkostningseffektiv platform, som er sikker, tilgængelig og altid opdateret.


Feel the difference

Easy to manage in the day-to-day business. TYPO3 is easy to handle without programming knowledge. Quick implementation, optimized workflows and smart administration features. Improve your staff's web experience.

Digital campus

Attract and retain students with innovative tools. Engage students with state-of-the-art CMS features. Today's students expect web based systems to enhance collaboration and align with their digital experience of the world. By introducing the TYPO3 Higher Education Package your campus can help attract and retain digital natives, save faculty members significant amounts of time, and reduce operational costs.

Safe & smart  

With a strong focus on functionality and productive workflow, the TYPO3 Higher Education Package offers an easy way to create a secure environment running parallel to the public visible website. It supports the community and enhances collaboration. It's the easiest way to support students and meet the needs of faculties and administration.

Thinking ahead

Take advantage of features that higher education institutions need the most. “Multi-language” options in both front- and backend. Professional technical support for at least 5 years guaranteed.


  • hurtig og nem implementering

  • features som forventes af højere uddannelsesinstitutioner

  • udvidelsesegnet, tilpasningsdygtig og langtidsholdbar

  • flerspoget i både frontend og backend

  • professional support i mindst fem år

  • nem vedligeholdelse

  • regelmæssige sikkerhedsopdateringer


  • hurtig implementering af hele projekter

  • fuldendt frihed i strukturerede og visuelle visninger

  • nemt at anvende uden kendskab til programmering

  • alle fordelene ved TYPO3

  • simpel vedligeholdelse og håndtering


  • low installation and running costs

  • significantly reduced project and development time

  • based on open source, no fees for CMS or licences

  • low total cost of ownership

  • secured website life span

  • low costs for training and maintenance


  • completely individual design and further development
    (design and menu navigation are expandable)

  • technical support by any TYPO3 service provider or in-house

  • no contractual constraints

  • participation in decision-making of further development

We are there for you

You can decide how we improve the Higher Education Package. Every user is entitled to vote and help us decide which new features to develop and how they should be prioritized.  TYPO3 CMS is an Open Source Enterprise Content Management System with a large global community in the Higher Education community, backed by approximately 900 members of the TYPO3 Association.

Help improve the Higher Education Package

The TYPO3 Higher Education Package benefits from having two separate teams that maintain the product. The Higher Education Package Team focus on developing specific features for the higher education market including Shibboleth login functionality and several other interfaces to existing systems. In addition to this, the Higher Education Package receives all of the updates and features that are developed and released for TYPO3's core.

Every user is able to take part and contribute towards the Higher Education Package. Feedback is encouraged and every user is entitled to vote and help decided what new features are developed and decide how they are prioritized. Throughout the year a list of planned projects are made available to users and put to a vote. The features with the highest number of votes receives the higher priority.

Higher educational institutions using TYPO3

Suitable for all higher educational use cases: TYPO3 is used worldwide as a CMS solution for higher educational institutions.