New technique behind an old design with TYPO3

"Because of The Lindenberg, art and culture are accessible for professionals, amateurs, students and the public. That happens during courses in art, cultural education at school, during professional and amateur performances, and in our theatre café No23."

New technique behind an old design with TYPO3

New technology, old design

What do you do when your main sales channel is a unstable website with a lot of maintenance? The Lindenberg, home for the arts in Nijmegen, choose to maintain the design but replace the technic behind the site by Small point: the 700 changing courses and 350 performances that had to be linked to the site within three months.

No business risk because of TYPO3

With the cultural season about to begin, there was no time to waist. Because the website was the main sales channel, it was important that the site stays online during the process. “We don’t only sell courses and performances but also rent rooms for conferences and events” explains Sandra van de Ven of The Lindenberg. Luckily in TYPO3 technique and design are separated. While the site remain online,  it was possible to replace the technique. By the solution of, there was no business risk for The Lindenberg.

Linking 700 courses

To make sure the 5000 course members of The Lindenberg could apply for the course of their choice, the intern system with all the courses, must be integrated to the website. These 700 courses are divided in ten groups. The difficulty was that every group had different rules, wishes or needs.

Pay the performance online

Besides the link with the 700 courses, a second link had to be made with the external ticketing system. Customers who want to go to a performance, must be able to pay through the site. In order to do this, the 350 performances and the personal login of the external theater system must be linked to the website. succeeded with both integrations.

In the future

Both and The are not finished. In the future the website will be completely redesigned, optimized for mobile and more integrated with social media channels. The desire of The Lindenberg is that not only performances can be paid online but also the courses.

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