Ved at bruge TYPO3 er vores marketingafdeling særdeles fleksibel når det kommer til lancering af kampagner og vigtigt indhold. Det er meget vigtigt for en kommerciel organisation som DMG.
TYPO3 helps us to edit and manage the content of our website easily and quickly from anywhere and at anytime. Furthermore it allows us to design our website to our wants and needs and to create, send and analyze our email-newsletters in a very efficient way.
TYPO3 is my favorite CMS. I work with different customers and all have varying needs - TYPO3 fits them all. And every customer gets an unique and matching solution.
TYPO3 giver os et praktisk værktøj til at administrere vores database med oplysninger om bivirkninger, som leveres til vores responsive website og mobile apps på otte sprog. Alt fra samme installation.
January 2025: Developer Appreciation Day (DAD)
February 3rd, 2025 - by Frank Nägler